Hind Sight is Always 20/20

Isn’t hind sight great? I finally woke up and smelled the coffee brewing. It is about dam time. You think I would have gotten a clue years ago? September 11th 2001 knocked the US down to its knees. We were all shocked. Do you remember where you were that morning? I do like it happened 10 min ago. I was on my way to work, my wife was dropping me off so she could have the car. I was less than 5 min. from work when all hell broke lose. When we got to work I told my wife you go straight home and call me just as soon as you get home. Make sure the kids are OK at school and find out what is going on.

Not much work got done that day. The office manager just happened to have a TV in her office so we spent all day watching TV, getting the latest information. It was slow the rest of the week. You know the rest. Fast forward. In 2007 my family decided that we would relocate to the warmth of Florida for health reasons. But lately we have begun to rethink our choice. With all that has been going on around the world. What with Egypt and the rest of the Mideast. I was thinking they want the Freedoms we enjoy here.

But as their fighting is dragging on and hearing of the killing of citizens for no reason other than speaking up, I begin to really open my eyes. Last week with all the troubles in the UK, I thought can that happen here? Some people I know emailed me and said yes they believe it could and will happen here. As I have stated here and so have many others is other blogs, When is the Federal Government going to wake up and see what they have done to our country.

Hind sight is great. Flash back to the early 1980’s. A wise man (Captain USAF RES.) and I became friends. We spoke often about the military. He first spoke with me about being a prepper.  In a way I have been but not on the scale I should have been. Is it too late? I don’t think so. But it will take me some time to get my crap together. The money we spent moving to Florida should have been spent getting ready.

We were living in a rural setting an hour west of downtown Metropolis. I hear that dam alarm going off, a little voice is talking to me. “We screwed up, we need to get back home.” Home for my family is back up North, back in snow country. At this point I want to be someplace that I can get got of town, when SHTF. A relative has land on a lake. So water will not be a problem.  It will take sometime 8 to 9 months before we can return, but WE SHALL RETURN.

Getting back to being a prepper, we do stock up on food, but not to the scale we should. We go major grocery shopping once a month. We have been doing this for sometime. Thinking back my grandparents did this. They had a pantry full of food, a freezer down in the basement with food in it. My in laws have a summer home there they too had food stored and a freezer. They (in laws) did it because they live in a small community, pop 200. But during the summer the resorts nearby were full all summer. So they would shop in the “City” for a large part of their food. Buying bread, milk, eggs, etc. locally.

There are several reasons to return home. For one, closer to family, closer to rural America, less people with attitudes, and rudeness. A large percentage of the population speaks ENGLISH. Lower unemployment. A whole lot more quite, and cooler nights. It will be cold soon there and snow. That’s ok. I just don’t like the cold.

So I will continue to plan our move back home, and work on stocking up and preparing for what lies ahead.

About Rob In His Bunker

Just another spoke in the wheel of life. Rethinking the way my family and I are now living. Moved to a warm climate a few years ago for health reasons. How thinking about going back home. It will be cold during the winter, but better to add clothes to stay warm ,then to be down to skin and still be sweaty.
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