Load off my chest…

I have been thinking over the last day or two as to what I want to post here. I know one thing this will not be a anti-government blog.  There is way too many folks out there doing just that. I don’t want to get into politics, not my cup of tea. I am a Conservative. I don’t like to change this that and everything else.  I think way too much money is spent on this program and that program.

I have been reading many blogs that deal with being a prepper, or survivalist. It does not matter where you live, you should be ready for almost anything that comes along. Floods, hurricanes, tornado’s. I remember living in California growing up, in the early ’70’s when we had the oil embargo. Many gas stations closed on Sunday. Then we received word that we could only buy gas on days of the week and last number of our car or truck’s plate. So even number on even numbered day, odd on odd numbered day. Since we had 2 cars we had both. My dad worked some 30 miles away OW. So he could buy gas daily. Thing is he had to suck gas from mom’s car to his. A real pain.

I have been watching the news about everything going on in our world. What the hell is going on in the UK? Will it come over here? God I hope not. Who knows? I feel too many of today’s youth are screwed up. Why Drugs and Alcohol? Too many want something for nothing, being lazy, walking around with their pants hanging down so low that when they run from the “Law” they can’t because they have to run while pulling up their pants.

We have not had a car in over 19 months. Why? Well for one rent, food, clothes and other things come first. Yes we need a car to go here and there, what with the cost of gas and insurance, its been hard. We take the bus when we have to but that is a challenge in itself. The people who ride the bus other than us are unbelievable. So many think they need to share their phone calls with everyone else. I don’t care what you did last night, with who, doing what ever.  We had a black lady get on the bus one time with an old bus pass and it was no good. I told the Mrs. that this was going to get ugly fast. Yep it did. This lady kept saying you know me, you know me. The driver went about 2 or 3 blocks pulled over and asked her to get off the bus. Well that lady tossed out the “race”card. Its because I’m black? Not one person said it was because she was black. She did.

The driver had to have the Sheriff called. We ended getting off that bus and getting on another. Someone even offered to pay her $2.00 bus fare and the driver said no. ALL OF THIS WAS OVER A $2.00 BUS FARE. Another thing that pisses me off big time is people who don’t speak English very well. Not people who come here for vacation. People who LIVE HERE, and WORK HERE.  We went to Wal-Mart and our cashier could barely speak English. Thing is these idiots think that I should speak Spanish, WHY? I am not Spanish. Then these same idiots think they own the road. They are in a hurry to get nowhere. They think the WHOLE world should listen to their music. WHY?

Oh and I believe that these same morons for the sake of a better word, think that they are not a man unless they get some girl pregnant. Or “baby daddy” has they call it. ANY fool can get a women pregnant, But it takes a real man to raise a child though good times and bad. I worked with just such a guy. When asked about his baby and “BABY MOMMA” if they were living together and going to get married, he looked at them just gave them that look like OH HELL NO.

I have five kids, 3 boys and 2 girls. I am proud to say WE ARE NOT GRAND PARENTS!! Would I like some, sure some day. But after they are married. Only the oldest daughter is even dating at present. I thank god my kids are as good as they are. Mom and I have done a great job. Has it been easy? Not by a long shot.

How have we gotten by? I think its because we are survivalist. Am I ready for the “BIG ONE” HELL NO. Do I have anything stocked piled, NO, Am I worried about that? YES. I plan on making some changes real soon.


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Hello world!

Hello World………. My name is Rob, and this is my blog. Why do I call it Rob’s Rangers? Not sure, thought about a name all day. This is what I liked. I am not ex military, but I was in Navy JROTC (Ensign, Administration Officer) in high school back in the day. I also spent some time in the U.S. Air Force Aux., Civil Air Patrol. Highest rank 1LT. Positions held, Squadron Commander, Deputy Commander, Testing Officer, Supply Officer, and all around good guy.

I am pro military. I may not agree with some decisions made by our leaders, BUT, I support the men and women in the military. Many of my friends from High School served in the military. Some were enlisted, some were officers, To all of them I say thank you for serving all the time.

I am married have been for 25 years to Mrs Ranger. We have 5 Jr Rangers. All good kids. Not sure how often I will update.  Thanks for viewing my blog, see you soon.

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